Yank is an all-purpose uninstaller for Mac OS X. Yank 2.0 monitors the hard drive for changes when new software is installed and creates a log of all files that were added or modified. This information can be used later to completely uninstall the software.
Because Yank works at installation time, monitoring the file system in real-time, it is able to remove software more reliably than other installers that rely on limited search techniques.
Version 2.0 introduces the Auto-Launch feature, which launches Yank automatically when the Installer program is used (currently requires OS X 10.5 Leopard). Yank 2.0 also offers compatibility with Leopard and Snow Leopard, Apple’s forthcoming update to OS X.
Yank 2.0 is a free upgrade for users who purchased a Yank 1 license after September 1, 2008. Other licensed users can purchase an upgrade for $11.95. New licenses cost $19.95. A free demo is also available at www.matterform.com.
Matterform Media also publishes Sonar, a real-time file security monitor for OS X, and Time Tagger, which lets users track billable hours with a unique tagging interface.