Try Yank / Buy Yank

Free demo mode

You can try Yank in free demo mode. During demo mode, you can create any number of Yank files but Yank will only load the Yank file you created most recently. It will not load any older Yank files. This will give you an opportunity to test Yank thoroughly. If you like the way Yank works, please purchase a license code to continue using Yank and lift all restrictions.

Get license codes instantly online

The easiest way to order your license code is to use our secure online purchase form. Your order is secure and you will receive your license code instantly. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover. Current pricing is available on the order form.

Other ordering methods

Print the online purchase form and fax or mail it along with your institutional purchase order.

Print the online purchase form and mail it along with your personal or company check or money order drawn on a US bank.

Phone us with your credit card order.

Enter your license code

We will email your license code to you. When you receive your license code, you can open Yank. The Licenses Window will appear automatically. Click Add License Code... and paste your license code and user name into the new window that appears. You must enter your license code (and user name, if we send you one) exactly as they appear in the email message we send you. If you have trouble entering your license code, check these trouble-shooting tips.

If you lose your license code

If you lose your license code, we can resend it to you. Just fill out our license code lookup form on our Web site. If you purchased our software in a box, we may not be able to retrieve your license code. In all cases, final responsibility for backing up your license code remains with you.

Installing on another computer

You can install our software on another computer and it will revert to demo mode. This allows you to share our software with your friends without committing software piracy. Our software license does allow you to install your license code on one additional computer, provided :

You are the primary user of that computer, and

The two computers are not used simultaneously.

If you or your company need to use Yank on multiple computers simultaneously, please purchase an additional license. Volume discounts are available. See our Web site for more information.